Explore a diverse range of events, from Holi celebrations and food festivals to college events, Garbha nights, and New Year parties🎉.
Event Discovery : 🌐
- Users can easily discover a variety of local events happening in Vijayapura.
Event Details : 📝
- Detailed event information including date, time, venue, description, and any relevant images or flyers.
Event Hosting : 📱
- If a user is hosting event in Vijayapura, he/she can post the event in my app and it will be sent to me in Admin app. Approval of the Event takes place in the Admin app.
Notifications : 🔔
- Push notifications to keep users informed about upcoming events, changes, or special announcements.
Feedback and Queries : 📋
- Attendees can provide feedback and ask any Queries thorough contact us button in the Help section of the app.